Friday, July 31, 2009


Dreams of unrequited love
Saunter through my soul
Innocence lost and never returning
Haunt me like my past sins
Living is painful
Existence is far more so
In seeking contentment;
Reality has dawned
That when you stop seeking contentment
It comes to you because
The thrill of the chase is gone
I did not seek
For I never acquire
That which I chase
For so very long.
However I am weary
And pursuit causes pain
Nevertheless, though it scars me so
I vow to chase again.

Into Africa

Whispers lie in the dry grass below
The ants are busy, working, communicating.
The sky is alive
An eagle overheard overhead
Shrieking to the sky
The gazelle runs
Beautifully, gracefully
Though it has beauty and horns
It fears even a single ugly hyena.

Wanderlust lingers in the air
Slow and unsettling
Burning away the reason
Yet renewed with each bold step of yearning

The mountains look upon themselves
So little white and so much darkness
Its being serves a higher purpose.
The creatures around live in ignorant bliss
They try their best to co-exist.

Endless plains stretch themselves
Open and waiting
Comforting and welcoming
Remaining a surface never reaching for higher life

The clouds roll themselves in
And unfurl with every move
Shapeless and wondering
About life and what it must be
To live inside a constant

The lion roars
Asserting its authority
Addressing its pride,
Renewing its vigor
Its ferocity now stated.

The sun burns with unending mercy
It cannot leave soon enough
However its light when vanished
Does not bring peace
Rather it brings danger
Of a different kind.

Awaken to walls
Bricks, cement and comfort
Enclosure, sheets and stability.
Staring at the emptiness of a small room
Made smaller by dreams
Of the great magical Sahara.